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 −JCC CSR Pack®−


JCC thinks of the knowledge of laws and the internal regulations which a company should follow on its business operation as company's indispensable infrastructures. And we think that it is company's indispensable architectures that both officers and employees understand the laws and regulations, and follow them everyday.

"JCC score ?" , which is the core of our service is totally different from SRI (Social Responsible Investment)and its rating. Investors use SRI rating in financial investing as a measure of how much risk the company has. On the other hand, it is a company that uses "JCC score" to measure how much risk it and its partner have, manage its own risk, and request its partner to manage the risk from the point of compliance.JCC risk management is accompanied neither a credit nor environment. By grasping qualitative factors other than a credit logically, utilizing them efficiently, and evaluating them quantitativly, JCC supports a company to improve and increase its corporate value through the JCC risk management.

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